A number of simulations have been performed within the CLUES project – using different box sizes and resolutions, applying gravity only or including gas physics and star formation for getting realistic prescriptions of the Local Universe. An extract of this simulation suite is presented on these pages. This includes three runs based on a WMAP 3 cosmology, the others are using the more recent release of WMAP 5 parameters.
Please click on the links in the left menu to get more information, e.g. the cosmological parameters for each simulation, which analysis (i.e. halo finding, merger trees, etc.) was done so far and where the data actually are located.
For a table overview of the data locations with sorting and filtering possibility, choose a data category/code name and press the button below. This will open a new tab or window with the data table.
Part of the data are located on Erebos, the data storage machine of the AIP. If you are interested in working with these data, please register for an account here. Please discuss before registering with one of the four CLUES PIs the project for which you need access to Erebos.
For registration, one of the PI’s of the project needs to approve.
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For performing the simulations and their analysis we used the supercomputing facilities at the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum Munich (LRZ), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the Jülich Supercomputing Center (JSC).