CLUES Workshop 2010 in La Cristalera

Our CLUES workshop took place in La Cristalera, from
May 30th — June 5th 2010.

Practical Issues

Getting there
We plan to book a bus to take most people from downtown Madrid to the Residencia on Sunday, May 30th, leaving at 8:00 pm.
Another bus will leave the Residencia to downtown Madrid on Saturday, June 5th, early in the morning.

As most of you know from previous group meetings, we do not want to have too many talks. Nevertheless, we encourage young PhD students and postdocs to present their latest results. Please feel free to provide a title for the talk in case you want to give one.

The Location
Some practical information about the Residencia Cristalera:
For those who are going to pay for their accommodation, have in mind that the Residencia does not take credit cards. All payments must be done in cash (euros). The price for full board accommodation is 67 euros + 7% tax per day.

Please, take a look at this web site Venue for Haloes Going Mad for more practical information about the Residencia Cristalera.


This is a picture of the Residencia la Cristalera where the meeting will take place. More information: La Cristalera Homepage


Monday, May 31th High-z  Universe
Daniel Ceverino High-redshift Unstable Discs and Bulges in Cosmological Simulations: Gas Kinematics and Mass Modeling
Tobias Goertz Gravity-driven Lyman-alpha blobs from cold streams into galaxies
Jaime Forero High-z luminosity functions
Pratika Dayal Probing reionization using Lyman Alpha Emitters
Tuesday, June 1st Dark Matter detections
L. Martinez-Vaquero Influence of the baryons and the warm dark matter in CLUES simulations
Federico Sembolini Studying SZ effect with MareNostrum simulations
Antonio Cuesta Fermi maps of dark matter using CLUES
AFTERNOON MULTIDARK discussion group

  • F. Prada:   Introduction to MULTIDARK project
  • B. Cañadas & G. Gomez:   DM annihilation in CLUES halos.
  • E. Nezri:    Direct and Indirect DM detection in CLUES halos

Wednesday, June 2nd IC generation for new simulations
Adrian Partl A simple model of the UV background field
Timur Doumler Initial conditions for constrained simulations
Steffen Knollmann New IC code
Thursday, June 3rd The Local Group  CLUES resimulations
Isaac Rodriguez Baryon effects on dark matter profiles
Shalhevet Bar-Asher The timing Argument  in the CLUES LGS
Alexander Knebe The luminosities of backsplash galaxies in CLUES
Noam Libeskind The anisotropy of satellite accretion
Friday, June 4th Simulations and Clusters
Arman Khalatyan AGN in CLUES?
Sebastian Nuza Photometric and clustering properties of hydrodynamical galaxies in a cosmological volume: results at z=0
Radek Wojtak Mass profiles and galaxy orbits in nearby galaxy clusters


List of participants

1.    Radoslaw Wojtak    (Copernicus Inst. Poland)
2.    Matthias Hoeft     (Tauntenberg Obs., Germany)
3.    Jaime Forero     (AIP, Potsdam)
4.    Antonio Jose Cuesta Vazquez     (IAA, Granada)
5.    Anatoly Klypin     (NMSU, USA)
6.    Arman Khalatyan    (Marseille)
7.    Stefan Gottloeber    (AIP)
8.    Francisco Prada    (IAA)
9.    Sebastian Nuza    (AIP)
10.    Cecilia Scannapieco     (AIP)
11.    Timur Doumler    (AIP-Lyon)
12.    Noam Libeskind    (AIP)
13.    Luis Alberto Martínez Vaquero     (UAM)
14.    Ewa Lokas   (Copernicus Inst. Poland)
15.    Shalhevet Bar-Asher     (HUJ, Israel)
16.    Helene Courtois     (Lyon)
17.    Steffen Knollmann    (UAM)
18.    Pratika Dayal    (AIP)
19.    Adrian Partl    (AIP)
20.    Isaac Rodriguez    (HUJ)
21.    Ofer Metuki    (HUJ)
22.    Yehuda Hoffman    (HUJ)
23.    Arianna di Cintio    (UAM)
24.    Daniel Ceverino    (HUJ)
25.    Federico Sembolini     (UAM)
26.    Tobias Goerdt    (HUJ)
27.    Ilian Iliev    (Sussex)
28.    Alexander Knebe (UAM)
29.    Gustavo Yepes  (UAM)
30.    Emannuel Nezri (Marseille)

Last update of this list: 26th May.

This workshop is sponsored by


MULTIDARK        AstroMadrid        Universidad Autonoma de Madrid        MICINN

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