Warm/Cold Dark Matter
These movies show the dark matter, gas and stellar distribution in a warm dark matter simulation and its corresponding cold dark matter simulation (Box 64 – 186592 – WDM and Box 64 – 186592 , 4096^3 resimulation, Local Group).
Evolution of the gas density in the Local Group ( CDM , 4096^3 resimulation, Box 64 – 186592), from z=41 to z=0. Centered roughly on M31. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) |
Evolution of the gas density in the Local Group ( WDM , 4096^3 resimulation, Box 64 – 186592 – WDM), from z=41 to z=0. Same as above, i.e. same color table, same density range, same camera distance (about 3.3 Mpc/h). Centered roughly on M31, yet not showing exactly the same section of the universe as movie above. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) |
Evolution of the gas density in the Local Group for CDM (left) and WDM (right), 4096^3 resimulation, from z=41 to z=0. Both show roughly the region of the Local Group, though not exactly the same. The camera distance is in both cases 3.3 Mpc/h, the same color table and density scale was used. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1280×720, 12 MB] |
Evolution of the stellar density in the Local Group, WDM . Camera distance is again about 3.3 Mpc/h, centered roughly on M31. Only every second snapshot was used to generate a quick movie. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) |
Evolution of the dark matter density in the Local Group, WDM . Camera distance is again about 3.3 Mpc/h, centered roughly on M31. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1024×768, 12 MB] |
Rotation of M33 at z=0, CDM, at a distance of 64 kpc, orientated face-on. (K. Riebe; PMViewer)[avi, 1024×768, 7.6 MB] [jpg, 1024×768, 576 KB] |
Same as before, but with red-green-blue color table. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) |
Rotation of M33 at z=0, WDM , at a distance of 64 kpc, orientated face-on. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1024×768, 5.7 MB] [jpg, 1024×768, 530 KB] |
Same as before, but with red-green-blue color table. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1024×768, 7.0 MB] [jpg, 1024×768, 525 KB] |
Rotation of MW at z=0, CDM, at a distance of 64 kpc, orientated face-on. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) |
Rotation of MW at z=0, WDM , at a distance of 64 kpc, orientated face-on. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) |
Evolution of M33, dark matter density, CDM, camera distance is 190 kpc. Oriented such, that the gas disk (if it was shown here) would be face-on at z=0 (same orientation as corresponding gas/stars movies above/below). The image shows a region of about 200 kpc/h around the center (see image below for the scale). (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1024×768, 12 MB] |
Evolution of M33, dark matter density, WDM , camera distance is 190 kpc/h. Oriented such, that the gas disk (if shown here) would be face-on at z=0 (same orientation and region as corresponding gas/stars movies above/below). (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1024×768, 12 MB] |
Evolution of M33, CDM, gas density; camera distance is 3 times farther away than for rotation (190 kpc/h). The camera is orientated such that the galaxy is seen face-on at redshift z=0. The region is about 200 kpc/h. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1024×768, 11 MB] |
Evolution of M33, WDM , gas density; camera distance is 3 times farther away than for rotation (190 kpc). The camera is orientated such that the galaxy is seen face-on at redshift z=0. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1024×768, 8.7 MB] |
Evolution of M33, CDM, stellar density; same orientation and view as for corresponding gas movie above. The region covers about 200 kpc/h. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1024×768, 6.2 MB] |
Evolution of M33, WDM , stellar density; same orientation and view as for corresponding gas movie (WDM). (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1024×768, 3.3 MB] |
Evolution of M33, CDM, gas density and stellar density shown in two panels, side-by-side; same orientation and view as for corresponding gas/stars movies. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1280×720, 11 MB] |
Evolution of M33, WDM , gas density and stellar density shown in two panels, side-by-side; same orientation and view as for corresponding gas/stars movies (WDM). (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1280×720, 8.5 MB] |
Evolution of M33 – everything combined. The upper rows shows the evolution of dark matter, gas and stellar density for the CDM simulation, the lower row shows the corresponding WDM version. (K. Riebe; PMViewer) [avi, 1280×960, 12 MB] |