

Gas distribution of Andromeda (Box 64 – 186592), face-on view, at redshift z=0.84. (A. Khalatyan; PMViewer)

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Gas distribution of the Milky Way (Box 64 – 186592), seen nearly edge-on, at redshift z=0.84. (A. Khalatyan; PMViewer)

[jpg, 252×187, 9 KB]

Gas distribution of M33 (Box 64 – 186592, 4096^3 resimulation), face-on, at redshift z=0. The spiral structure of the gas disk is nicely visible. (K. Riebe; PMViewer)

[jpg, 700×626, 357 KB]

Gas distribution of the Milky Way, face-on view, at redshift z=0 (Box 64 – 186592, 4096^3 resimulation).
For exploring different color schemes, click on the link below or choose one of the high resolution images. (K. Riebe; PMViewer)

violet-yellow [jpg, 700×700, 479 KB]
blue-red [jpg, 700×700, 345 KB]

Projection of the three main halos (MW, M31, M33) along the z-direction. The shown box has a size of 1.3 Mpc/h per side (Box 64 – 186592, 4096^3 resimulation). (G. Yepes)

[png, 1574×1154, 357 KB]

Versions with dark matter and star distribution are available at:
dm [png, 1574×1154, 503 KB]
stars [png, 1574×1154, 22 KB]

The gas distribution of the Local Group on large scales (left picture, about 2 Mpc/h across, viewed from a distance of 3.3 Mpc/h) and the gas disks of the three main galaxies (right panels, about 50 kpc/h across, from a distance of 250 kpc/h).
For the zoomed pictures the colour mapping is shifted to higher densities (factor 10^0.5) in order to enhance the spiral arm features of the gas disks. (K. Riebe ; PMViewer )

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These movies show the gas distribution in our simulations. Please click on a movie to view/download and save it.
Also have a look at our WDM/CDM movies from the Warm Dark Matter (WDM) simulation.

The Local Group at z=0. Rotation around the density distribution of dark matter (left) and gas (right panel) in a simulation with 2048^3 particles effective resolution (Box 64 – 186592). (K. Riebe; PMViewer)

[avi, 1220×610, 38 MB]
[avi, 1024×512, 38 MB]

Evolution of the gas density in the Local Group (4096^3 resimulation, Box 64 – 186592), from z=41 to z=0. (K. Riebe; PMViewer)

with z-labels [avi, 800×800, 12MB]
no z-labels  [avi, 800×800, 12MB]

Rotation around the gas density distribution of the Local Group (Box 64 – 186592, 4096^3 resimulation) at z=0: M31 (center), Milky Way (upper right) and M33 (lower right). Compared to the 2048^3 resimulation, one can see a lot of more detailed structures. (K. Riebe; PMViewer)

[avi, 610×610, 11 MB]

Rotation around the  gas density distribution of the Local Group (Box 64 – 186592), blending from lower (2048^3) to higher resolution (4096^3).
Note, that the colour-density match is not the same for both simulations, they were adjusted to give more beautiful results. Thus one cannot compare the brightness of the regions directly but the details of the gas structures in our Local Group. (K. Riebe; PMViewer)

[avi, 610×610, 9.1 MB]

A view on the Local Group (along the z-axis of the simulation box, Box 64 – 186592, 4096^3 particles effective resolution) with a flight to M33 from a distance of ~ 3.3 Mpc/h to 300 kpc/h (redshift z=0).
Colors reflect the gas density (brighter = higher density).
The first seconds of the movie show the dark matter distribution of the Local Group for comparison. (K. Riebe; PMViewer)

[avi, 800×800, 18.1 MB]
[avi, 800×800, 21.5 MB] (blends back to dark matter at the end)

View on the gas distribution of M31 (Box 64 – 186592), at redshift z = 0.78, colored by density. (A. Khalatyan; PMViewer)

[avi, 800×600, 2.4 MB]

Gas distribution of M33 (Box 64 – 186592), at redshift z = 0.78, colored by density. (A. Khalatyan; PMViewer)

[avi, 800×600, 4.8 MB]

Gas distribution of the three main galaxies M31, Milky Way and M33 (Box 64 – 186592), at z = 0.84, colored by density. (A. Khalatyan; PMViewer)

[avi, 800×600, 1.6 MB]

Gas distribution of the three main galaxies at z=0.0 (Box 64 – 186592), colored by temperature.  (A. Khalatyan; PMViewer)

[avi, 800×600, 3.6 MB]

Gas distribution of the Milky Way (Box 64 – 186592, 4096^3 particles resimulation), at redshift z=0.0, colored by density. (K. Riebe; PMViewer)

[avi, 700×626, 4.6 MB]