CLUES Workshop 2012 in Lyon

Our CLUES workshop takes place at the Domaine Saint Joseph”, close to Lyon, June 17 – 22, 2012.The plan is to start on June 18th, Monday morning (thus arrival on Sunday is expected) and finish on June 21st Thursday evening.
Keeping with the spirit of previous such meetings, the intention of this group meeting is to promote new collaborations among participants and to work on the existing ones.

Therefore we strongly encourage PhD students and recent postdocs to give a short review on their works.
Please send us a (preliminary) title
for your talk.
The plan is to have a couple of hours in the morning for talks, with the rest of the day devoted to discussions among participants and work on projects.

Practical Issues


The meeting location is a quiet and secluded place nearby Lyon downtown, which is reachable in 20 minutes by public bus. See for its website.

Built in 1928 by Lyon’s Diocese, the Domaine Saint Joseph was a seminary used for training young priests. With its 5 ha and 8000 square meter and a beautiful view over the Mont du Lyonnais hills, it was the perfect place for philosophy and education, and will be a perfect place for astrophysical discussions. We have a seminar room all day, and a smaller meeting room every afternoon. There are plenty of other places to meet and discuss with wifi access, hopefully if the weather is nice also on the terrace in front of the park.

The catering service will make you discover French and Lyon gastronomy and wines over the week.

Getting there

To reach the “Domaine Saint Joseph”:

  • the nearest airport is “Lyon Saint Exupery”  (LYS), then take the shuttle “Satobus” to central railway station “Lyon-Perrache” (terminus of the shuttle) ,  one way ticket around 9 Euros (20 minutes)
  • then catch the tube “Métro ligne A” towards “VAULX La Soie”,  Stop at “Bellecour” station (2nd stop), one way ticket 1 Euro (5-6 minutes)
  • then catch the bus N° 30 towards “Francheville”, get off at “La Plaine” bus stop , validate again the same ticket as the metro one, (20 minutes)
  • then walk : take the road called “Chemin des Fonts” (hairdresser at the corner), carry on 100 metres then take the “Allée Jean-Paul II” on the right #38:   you have reached your destination (6-8 minutes)


Leisure activities
Lyon is part of the UNESCO world heritage. The city is also referred to as the capital of Gaul: ‘Capitale des Gaules’, Lights city: ‘Ville des Lumières’ and Culinary capital: ‘Capitale de la Gastronomie’. This gives Lyon many attractions. In addition to the city centre, the surrounding areas are wonderful to explore.



Participation is only possible on invitation. Please register until 29th February.
The registration price is 475 Euros for a shared double room, 610 Euros for a single room.
This price includes all breakfast-lunch-diner from Monday morning to Friday morning. The dinner on arrival sunday, if needed, is not organized.
Those attending the PhD defense on Friday morning will also have a lunch offered on Friday.
This price also includes a guided visit of Lyon in English by a professional guide followed by a social diner in a typical restaurant downtown, probably on
Tuesday or Wednesday night.
A very limited amount of single rooms are available so give us the name of your favorite room-mate when registering/per Email.

Talks and Programme

Monday, 18th June 2012
Time Speaker Title
09:00 Opening and Introduction (pdf: CLUES Simulation Summary)
9:25 F. Campos / K. Riebe Publishing cosmological simulations with databases pdf (Fernando), pdf (Kristin)
9:50 Pierre Ocvirk Numerical simulations of the reionization of a MW progenitor and a model of the satellite population of the MW pdf
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45 Daniel Ceverino Morphology and size evolution of massive and compact galaxies from z=8 to z=1 pdf
11:10 Umberto Maio Chemical and radiative feedback in the primordial Universe pdf
11:35 Charlotte Clarke Simulating UV radiative feedback during reionisation pdf
12:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00 High z discussion – Ilian Iliev
15:30 Coffee break
16:30 Database discussion – Harry Enke

Tuesday, 19th June 2012
Time Speaker Title
9:00 Francisco Kitaura Large-Scale structure reconstruction method pdf
9:25 Steffen Heß Constraining Local UniverseE simulations with the 2MRS
9:50 Jenny Sorce Cosmic flows of galaxies, observations to simulations pdf
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45 Noam Libeskind The connection between halos, satellite galaxies and the cosmic web pdf
11:10 Ofer Metuki The Vweb-applications pdf
11:35 Emilio Romano – Diaz Modelling the molecular content in galaxy formation simulations pdf
12:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00 Web discussion – Yehuda Hoffmann
15:30 Visit and Dinner Lyon

Wednesday, 20th June 2012
Time Speaker Title
9:00 Federico Sembolini The MUSIC of galaxy clusters: thermal sunyeav-zel’dovic scaling relations pdf
9:25 Jesus Vega Entropy profiles of MUSIC clusters pdf
9:50 Radek Wojtak Spatial anisotrophy of the basic profiles in dark matter halos pdf
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45 Martina Falco Dynamical signatures of infall around clusters pdf
11:10 Sebastian Nuza Radio relics around clusters pdf
11:35 Veronica Biffi A novel virtual X-ray telescope for hydrodynamical simulations pdf
12:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00 Cluster discussion – Gustavo Yepes
15:30 Coffee break
16:30 Box 200 discussion – Gustavo Yepes

Thursday, 21th June 2012
Time Speaker Title
9:00 William Watson Evidence for non-universality of the halo mass function pdf
9:25 Jaime Forero – Romero Understanding the formation of distant dwarf galaxies pdf
9:50 Daniel Pomarede Cosmic flows and large scale structures vizualisations with SDVISION software pdf
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45 Edoardo Carlesi The structure of the dark matter halos in coupled dark energy cosmologies pdf
11:10 Arianna Di Cintio The non-universal density profile of subhalos in hydrodynamical simulations: implications for the Milky Way’s dSphs pdf
11:35 Tobias Goerdt Detectability of cold streams into high-z galaxies by absorption lines pdf
12:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00 Jubilee discussion – Stefan Gottlöber
15:30 Coffee break
16:30 Future Projects

List of participants

Last Name First Name City Institute
Biffi Veronica Garching/München MPA/MPE
Campos Fernando Madrid UAM
Carlesi Edoardo Madrid UAM
Ceverino Daniel Madrid UAM
Clarke Charlotte Brighton University of Sussex
Courtois Helene Lyon IPNL
Di Cintio Arianna Madrid UAM
Enke Harry Potsdam AIP
Falco Martina Copenhagen DARK
Forero-Romero Jaime Berkeley UC
Goerdt Tobias Madrid UAM
Gottlöber Stefan Potsdam AIP
Hess Steffen Potsdam AIP
Hoeft Matthias Tautenburg TLS
Hoffman Yehuda Jerusalem HU
Iliev Ilian Brighton University of Sussex
Kitaura Francisco-Shu Potsdam AIP
Klypin Anatoly Las Cruces NMSU
Knebe Alexander Madrid UAM
Libeskind Noam Potsdam AIP
Metuki Ofer Jerusalem HU
Maio Umberto Garching/München MPE
Nuza Sebastian Potsdam AIP
Ocvirk Pierre Strasbourg Observatoire Strasbourg
Pomaredes Daniel Gif-sur-Yvette CEA/Irfu
Riebe Kristin Potsdam AIP
Romano-Diaz Emilio Bonn University
Sembolini Federico Madrid UAM
Shapiro Paul Austin University of Texas
Sorce Jenny Lyon IPNL
Steinmetz Matthias Potsdam AIP
Tully Brent R. Honolulu IFA Univ Hawaii
Vega Jesus Madrid UAM
Watson William Alexander Brighton University of Sussex
Wojtak Radek Copenhagen DARK
Yepes Gustavo Madrid UAM

Some pictures of the CLUES Meeting are available here:
CLUES Meeting Pictures

CLUES Meeting Pictures (Arianna)
CLUES Meeting Pictures (Stefan)

This workshop is sponsored by

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